Toàn văn bài phát biểu của GS. Pierluigi Gallo- Đại học Palermo (Italia) tại Lễ Khai giảng năm học 2023-2024 của Học viện Công nghệ Bưu chính Viễn thông

Hội thảo phổ biến kết quả Dự án Khảo sát xu hướng việc làm của sinh viên Việt Nam sau tốt nghiệp
Sinh viên Học viện cơ sở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh tích cực hưởng ứng phong trào “Đi nhanh không bằng đi an toàn”

Ngày 18/9/2023, Học viện Công nghệ Bưu chính Viễn thông long trọng tổ chức Lễ Khai giảng năm học 2023-2024. GS. Pierluigi Gallo- Đại học Palermo (ITALIA) đã tham dự và phát biểu tại buổi Lễ. Cổng Thông tin điện tử Học viện trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn phát biểu của GS. Pierluigi Gallo.

GS. Pierluigi Gallo phát biểu tại buổi Lễ

Dear students, dear colleagues,

I’m honoured to be here to talk to you on this opening day of your academic year, welcome in this new path in your life.

This is an exciting moment of your life; you are writing a new chapter in the book that anyone writes: opportunities, discoveries and improvement are the lines I wish you to write.

I’m sure your academic path at PTIT will be an extraordinary experience; in facts, digital technology is powerful tool for a better world, for us and for future generations.

Here you can study, cultivate your interests, explore new horizons, and develop your skills but, please, apply those not only for your personal benefit but also for the community you belong to.


I’m with the University of Palermo, Italy and I visited PTIT several times in the last years; what I see in the institution is sense of belonging, openness to internationalization and technical improvement.

What I see in your faces and in your eyes is the same I see in my students’ in Italy: the future! Your youth is one of the most precious elements at your side, so many things will happen in your personal and professional life. Please, try to guarantee to yourself to make actions that you will always be proud of, as professionals and good citizens.

Please, interact as much as possible with your professors as with your colleagues; anyone has something to teach. Please, balance your technical and soft skills and feed your soul as you do with your mind and your body. Do not forget about the Italian professor that is speaking now: consider the University of Palermo as a possible destination for complementing your studies during your master or for a PhD. Learn languages and see the world, many opportunities arrive to those that travel.

Yesterday, I saw how older students welcome the college freshmen, it is the first teaching: do things to help yourself and others.

In Vietnam, and in PTIT, you have a great respect for the elderly people; you should be proud of them and your roots. A colleague of mine has recently missed her uncle, an exemplary person for creativity and technical knowledge who liked to share it especially with kids. I wish you to find someone in your academic path as a creative guidance as her uncle was for her. Believe in knowledge and visions: researchers should be standing on the shoulders of giants; if you find “your” giant you will see longer than others.

Please, be brave and creative all the times. Brave, to tackle the ever-changing technical challenges; creative to distinguish yourself from technology. IoT can help people in their lives, artificial intelligence can learn from our data, blockchain can make data more transparent and secure, and Big Data techniques can extract information. However, creativity and meaning are (still!) a matter of humans; please, stay human!

This is the first step of a long trip; I wish you happiness and joy for the whole path, but, when things go in the wrong way, please, remember Hồ Chí Minh’s teaching: “the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.” 

I wish you a brilliant career and a joyfull life.

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