Meeting with the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI)

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On 3rd April 2019, PTIT had a meeting and working with the delegates of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI). Assoc. Prof.Dr. Dang Hoai Bac, Vice Presedent of PTIT, leaders and representatives of faculties/departments of PTIT participated in the meeting with MTUCI delegates, including Prof. Dr. Andrey Yurievich Mukhanov, Vice Rector for Internal Affairs and Public Relations of MTUCI and Mr. Tsygankov Kirill, Chief expert of the Trade Representation of Russian Federation in Vietnam.



Opening the meeting, representatives of PTIT and MTUCI made a brief introduction about the Institute and the University to get to know about each other better. Then the in-depth discussion followed with more focus on the opportunities of cooperation between PTIT and MTUCI.

During the discussion, two parties talked about the training and education programs provided. PTIT and MTUCI share a great number of majors/specialities such as Information Security, Information Technologies, Economy-related…in common in a variety of programs for different degrees.

The meeting proved the opportunities in cooperation between the two Institute and University in education and training, as well as in implementation of the Protocol between the Government of the Social Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Russian Federation. The two parties agreed to have follow-up activities to seek for the cooperation in both long-term and short-term training programs, as well as teachers and students exchange activities, along with many other areas of cooperation.

