PTIT students winning many high prizes at the 30th Vietnamese Student Informatics Olympiad, Procon and ICPC Asia Hanoi 2021

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Recently, the closing ceremony and awarding ceremony of the 30th Vietnamese Student Informatics Olympiad, Procon and ICPC Asia Hanoi 2021 took place in Hanoi. PTIT excellently won 01 second prize, 06 third prizes and 02 consolation prizes at the contest.


PTIT team with 15 students taking part in two contents: IT specialist individual and ICPC specialist division, have recorded many high achievements at this year’s contest.

In the content of IT specialist, student Nguyen Thanh Chau – D19CQCN12-B won the second prize; the following students: Truong Quang Huy – D20CQCN06-B, Can Ngoc Binh – D19CQAT01-B, Nguyen Nhat Thanh – Class D19CQCN02-N, Tran Quoc Nhon – Class D19CQCN02-N won the third prize; Student Do Dang Khoa – Class D19CQCN01-N won the consolation prize.

In the content of ICPC specialist division, PTIT.Nightbringer team consisting of 3 students Nguyen Thanh Chau – D19CQCN12-B, Can Ngoc Binh – D19CQAT01-B, Nguyen Duy Hai – D19CQAT01-B won the third prize in the Northern competition; PTIT3ga team including students: Truong Quang Huy -D20CQCN06-B, Dang Viet Quan-D20CQCN04-B, Tran Duc Huy – D20CQCN01-B won the third prize of ICPC Asia Hanoi competition and PTIT3ga team consisting of students: Truong Quang Huy D20CQCN06-B, Dang Viet Quan D20CQCN04-B, Dinh Ba Hung D20CQCN05-B won the consolation prizes in the National round of ICPC competition.

The 30th Vietnamese Informatics Olympiad, Procon and ICPC Asia Hanoi 2021 attracted the participation of more than 700 IT students from 68 universities across Vietnam and other Asian countries. The students competed in the following contents: Olympic Super Cup, IT Specalist, Non-IT Specialist, College, Open Source Software, Procon and ICPC Asia. This annual competition is not only a large-scale competition for students interested in Information Technology to practice and develop their algorithmic and programming skills, but also an opportunity to select the best for the Vietnamese representative to attend the 2023 ICPC Finals.

This is the largest international student event in Vietnam to motivate young IT talents and creat an environment to promote the knowledge sharings, thereby affirm the integration ability of Vietnamese youth in the field of information and communication technology.