SCIMAGO Ranking 2024 Vietnam: PTIT ranks 1st in Innovation criteria

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Recently, the SCIMAGO organization (a Spanish organization ranking scientific research institutions) has announced the 2024 rankings. Among the universities in Vietnam, the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) ranked first in the innovation criteria.
The SCImago Institutions Rankings – SIR was established in 2009 by the SCImago organization. Specifically, SCImago, based in Spain, is a research organization that provides information on the quality of scientific research of countries, research institutions, and the credibility of journals by analyzing indices based on the Scopus database. According to SCImago in 2024, institutions are ranked based on three criteria: Research Index (50%), Innovation Index (30%), and Societal Index (20%).

PTIT excels in training and scientific research in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

PTIT has been at the forefront of digital transformation in higher education and has achieved significant results. PTIT has developed 11 platforms for digital higher education, with applications such as S-Link and D-Lab seeing substantial user engagement. Additionally, PTIT has organized over 700 courses and more than 3,000 online practical sessions with the participation of over 80 lecturers. The institute’s efforts have resulted in nearly 10 million submissions of programming exercises by students on the D-Lab system. PTIT’s platforms have contributed to the overall development of the institute.
Alongside policies to support faculty and students in research and education, PTIT aims to bring many benefits to its community.