Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology in cooperation with University of Huddersfield (the UK)

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On January 18, 2022, Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) and the University of Huddersfield (UoH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in training cooperation in the form of 2 + 2 (2 years in Vietnam and 2 years in the UK) and 3+1 (3 years in Vietnam and 1 year in the UK). Students who meet the graduation requirements will be awarded degrees by both the UoH and PTIT. Especially, after graduating, bachelors can continue to study Master of Financial Technology at UoH.

Attending the Signing Ceremony, there was the attendance of Dr. Vu Tuan Lam – Vice President of PTIT and leaders of faculties and departments. On the side of UoH, there was the participation of Prof. Dr. John Anchor – Associate Dean of School of Business, UoH, Dr. Ruth Brooks – Head of Undergraduate Programs, Faculty of Management, School of Business School, UoH and Ms. Xuan Le – Regional Representative in Southeast Asia of UoH.



With the aim of establishing a framework for bilateral cooperation to promote activities including transfer, bachelor’s and master’s training, research cooperation…, the two sides have mutually agreed sign the MoU to further tighten the relationship between PTIT and UoH.

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. John Anchor – Associate Dean of School of Business, UoH shared his wish that the two institutions become important and successful partners in cooperation in developing training programs and improving the quality of students in the majors of Financial Technology.

Having the same opinion, Dr. Vu Tuan Lam – Vice President of PTIT said: “PTIT has built and established wide-ranging cooperation relationships with many research institutions, universities, and large enterprises around the world and we appreciate the cooperation proposals of UoH in training, research and academic exchange as well as core technologies for human resource development in the finance-accounting and financial technology in Vietnam. PTIT hopes that the activities that will be implemented within the framework of cooperation between PTIT and UoH will make an important contribution to PTIT in implementing its development strategy, developing high-quality human resources for the country, contributing to promoting the development and application of technology to meet the needs of sustainable development and international integration of Vietnam.”

According to cooperation agreement, students majoring in Financial Technology (Fintech) of PTIT, if satisfying the requirements for capacity and having need, can choose to register Bachelor of Business Administration and Finance Program (2 years at PTIT + 2 years at UoH) or Bachelor Program in Economics and Financial Services (2 years at PTIT + 2 years at UoH) or Bachelor of Business and Financial Services Program (3 years at PTIT + 1 year at UoH).

After meeting the graduation requirements, students will both be awarded a Bachelor of Financial Technology degree by PTIT and awarded by UoH a Bachelor of Arts degree. In particular, graduates who wish to continue pursuing higher education can apply to transfer to the Master of Fintech program with a 1-year training duration of UoH.

PTIT students participating in the program will have chance to receive scholarships ranging from £2,000 to £4,000 from UoH and access other opportunities of scholarship according to the scholarship policy that applies to each year of UoH.

Dr. Dang Thi Viet Duc, Dean of Faculty of Finance and Accounting 1, PTIT predicts that this will be a program that will attract the attention of a large number of candidates for the 2022 enrollment for the attractive training programs, scholarship policies, tuition fees of an international joint training program between PTIT and a university ranked in the Top 250 best business schools in the world (according to Times Higher Education), ranked 54th out of 130 universities in the UK (according to the Guardian University Ranking). In the boom and development of the FinTech sector in recent years, hopefully, the cooperation between PTIT and UoH will partly meet the high demand for human resources in this field in the near future.


In addition to the signed international joint training program, the Memorandum of Understanding between UoH and PTIT also has a number of cooperation activities to promote the development of the relationship between the two sides such as: scholarship and tuition support, transfer student counseling, UoH’s professors summer semester teaching cooperation, Webinars support, media activities support…