PhD’s Program

PhD program is a rigorous academic training dedicated to extend knowledge and enhance both academic and professional career. Researchers are immersed in a dynamic learning environment during the doctoral school and get opportunities to meet and be supervised by prestigious professors. Researchers also use many types of equipment from an outstanding research environment in the best labs. Five special field of study are Information Systems, Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Business Administration

PhD’s program includes fundamental transversal courses articulated epistemology and research methodology for the first year. During the two following years, the students must choose research seminar linked to their topic. The two final years is devoted to the redaction of the PhD thesis.

The PhD program qualifies graduates for a career as researchers and lecturers at higher education institutions or for specialist/consultancy jobs in the part of the private sector that requires correspondingly broad analytical and methodological skills, critical judgments, and the ability to engage in specialized professional work.