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The Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) has just announced the undergraduate program in Game Design and Development. In addition, many new fields of study at PTIT promise to meet the development needs of society in the digital age.


Potential of the gaming industry.


According to statistics from the Broadcasting, Television and Electronic Information Department, there are currently about 3 billion people playing electronic games worldwide. By 2030, this number is expected to increase to 4.5 billion people. The gaming market is also predicted to reach a revenue of $218.7 billion by 2024. In Southeast Asia, Vietnam is considered a regional gaming powerhouse.
Since 2011, PTIT has been training in Multimedia with courses focusing on game specialization such as Game Script Design, Game Programming, etc. This is the foundation for the establishment of the Game Design and Development program, which will be open for enrollment from 2024.
The program is systematically built to international standards based on surveys of business recruitment needs, while also referencing training programs from leading game universities worldwide.
Students are equipped with in-depth knowledge of game design, development, as well as interdisciplinary knowledge such as mathematics, culture, psychology, economics, law, marketing, etc., to design games that not only attract players and generate revenue but also ensure healthiness and legal compliance.


PTIT and its partners have launched the Game Design and Development program and announced a collaboration program.

Semiconductor chip design leads the trend
As one of the 5 universities in the semiconductor industry workforce training alliance, PTIT has opened a major in Integrated Circuit Design since 2023 based on nearly 20 years of experience in training in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology.
Providing an interesting learning and working environment through the training program, practical labs, internships at businesses, scholarships, and overseas exchanges can help students accumulate knowledge and skills to become excellent chip design experts.
Mr. Nguyen Trung Hieu, Head of the Department of Electronics Engineering 1 – PTIT, said: “Many of the university’s students are working at leading companies in the electronics field, designing control software, hardware design, digital systems, advanced signal processors such as Synopsis, DreamBig, Marvel, Qorvo, CoAsia, Dolphin…”
The training of this new major has already begun to bear fruit. At the national finals of the “Students with Entrepreneurial Ideas” competition in 2024, the project “Rapid HIV test kit using semiconductor technology” by PTIT students won the third prize in the student block of healthcare training institutions.


PTIT students won the third prize at the national finals of the SV-StartUp competition in 2024.

Data – a “gold mine” waiting to be exploited

In recent years, with the rapid development of technology leading to an explosion of data being generated by companies every day, the development of related scientific fields such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) also promises great potential.
With a focus on being a dynamic university and pioneering in opening training fields to meet societal needs, PTIT has developed programs in Data Engineering (Computer Network and Data Communication) and Computer Science (data science orientation) with the goal of interdisciplinary orientation and expanding capabilities to meet job requirements in various fields.
According to Dr. Le Hai Chau – Head of the Data Engineering Department – Faculty of Telecommunications 1 – PTIT, the field of data science is not a single discipline but is understood as a comprehensive field encompassing many component disciplines, including emerging ones such as data science, data engineering, and data analysis. These three areas are expected to explode in terms of labor demand in the near future. The average salary of a data engineer in Vietnam can reach up to 400 million VND per year.
PTIT is one of the pioneering universities in Vietnam to open many interdisciplinary digital technology training programs such as Multimedia Technology, Financial Technology, Game Design and Development… PTIT representative stated that graduates with honors or above account for 85%, with over 95% employment rate for technical fields and over 92% for other fields.


The Post and Telecommunication Institute of Technology (PTIT) is one of the leading universities in Information Technology in Vietnam, and is also at the forefront of new trends in digital technology education such as Financial Technology, Data Engineering, E-commerce, Multimedia Communication, Game Design and Development.
In the 2024 regular university admission, the institute will admit 5,060 students through 4 methods: direct admission, admission based on competency assessment test scores, combined admission, and admission based on the 2024 high school graduation exam results.
For more information about the 2024 regular university admission, please visit: