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Programme Erasmus+
Action PROJECT – Jean Monnet Information Project
Proposal Call for Proposals 2020 – EAC-A02-2019-JMO
Application No 621079-EPP-1-2020-1-VN-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Title Promoting the EU and European higher education visibility among universities in Vietnam through multimedia communications
Coordinator Dr. Hoang Huu Hanh, PTIT-CIE

ProEUHE Project Objectives:

Overall objective:

The objective of this proposal is to promote the EU and European higher education visibility among universities in Vietnam through multimedia communications

Specific objectives:

  1. Produce a variety of multimedia communication tools in order to promote and disseminate information about the EU, European integration and EU’s higher education.
    Based on the expertise and working experiences of the project team members of the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), we will produce interactive multimedia communication tools for promotion and dissemination activities of the project.
  2. Increase understanding of the EU, European integration and the EU’s higher education among university students, leaders, and academic and non-academic staff in Vietnam.
    Another objective of the project is to enhance the target groups’ awareness of the EU and European integration and higher education among the Vietnamese HEIs, especially the institutions having a strong and clear educational internationalisation strategy. The focus will be on university students and teachers along with university management and administrative staff with appropriate communication strategies.
  3. Facilitate academic exchange and mobility between Vietnam and the EU.
    The project hopes to serve as a bridge connecting Vietnam’s HEIs and European counterparts with the ultimate aim of fostering academic exchange and mobility between Vietnam and the EU. To some extent, the project will enable involved Vietnamese HEIs to realise their “internationalisation” strategy by expanding their connections with European HEIs and by helping them take a more structural approach towards fostering academic exchange and mobility. Additionally, this also helps Vietnamese HEIs releasing their “internationalisation” strategies in reaching out the EU institutions which will be making a more structural approach or model between Vietnamese and European HEIs in educational cooperation at their full-scales in terms of increasing opportunities of academic exchange and mobility flows.

Expected Outcomes and Impact

This project’s ambition is to build a bridge between the EU and Vietnamese educational communities by the implementation of multimedia-communications-based promoting activities for the EU, European integration focusing on EU higher education and its supporting programmes that could bolster the cooperation between HEIs of EU and Vietnam as envisaged:

  • Increasing and enhancing the visibility of the EU and European Integration emphasising on education and higher education for the university students in Vietnam through promotion activities.
  • Realising opportunities for academic exchanges in terms of education, training and research; degree and credit mobility for Vietnamese students to Europe; that could lead to the increased mobility flows from the EU to Vietnam as a side effect as well.
  • Strengthening the ties between European and Vietnamese HEIs with more structural approach such as joint training or research programmes, bilateral or multilateral agreements on academic exchange and recognition.
  • Contributing to possible institutional changes of Vietnamese HEIs through the improvement in management awareness and in the perception/understanding of the EU education system such as ECTS, Bologna process and quality assurance.

This project is the first Jean Monnet project of its kind in Vietnam with a focus on education in the context of the European integration. We would like to use the outcomes of this proposal to be disseminated to Vietnamese HEIs.