Samsung Talent Scholarship – STP 2021 – Dare to change, dare to lead

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Bia STP 2021

Samsung Talent Scholarship (Samsung Talent Program – STP) is a cooperative initiative between Samsung corporation and major universities in the North in order to develop high-quality human resources, incubate and nurture outstanding talents for the industry. innovative software in Vietnam.
Since its inception in 2012, more than 650 scholarships with a total value of more than 50 billion VND have been awarded to students of universities, demonstrating social responsibility but above all a commitment to long-term investment. long-term and sustainable Samsung in Vietnam.
Young people, please conquer this comprehensive scholarship to encourage your passion for creativity and rise to master technology, keeping up with global competition. The opportunity to access a dynamic, professional and modern working environment like at Samsung, a leading electronics company in the world is always open to all of you!

1. Scholarship Value
– More than 72 million VND in cash/rate
– Deep and foundational algorithm training
– Internship and do new technology projects (3 months) with the guidance of experienced engineers
– Become an official employee of the largest Samsung R&D in Southeast Asia after graduating
– Work with various Mobile and PC platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, Ubuntu) on all System – Framework – Application subclasses
– Working with advanced technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, Big Data on Cloud Computing platform (Back-end/Front-end/Full-stack developer)
– Long-term onsite opportunities in major R&D centers in Korea, Singapore, UK, Australia, USA, India,…
– Participate in Patent development with leading experts and create the world’s No. 1 products

2. Scholarship subject
 Regular university students graduating from 06/2022 and 12/2022 from the following universities:
– Hanoi University of Science and Technology: School of Information and Communication Technology, School of Education and Training, Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology (KS K62, CN K63)
– University of Technology – VNU: Faculty of Information Technology and Communication (K63)
– University of Natural Sciences – VNU: Faculty of Mathematics – Mechanics – Informatics (K63)
– Posts and Telecommunications Instiute of Technology: Faculty of IT, Telecommunications, Electronics, Multimedia (D18)
– Hanoi University of Industry: Faculty of Information Technology and Electronics (K13)
– University of Transport: Faculty of IT, Electrical – Electronics (K59)
– Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology: Faculty of Information Technology, Information Technology and Communication (K16)
– Instructor of Cryptography: Faculty of Information Security (AT14), Information Technology (CT2), DTVT (DT2)
– Thuy Loi University: Faculty of Information Technology (K60)
(*) Able to program in C/C++/Java (one of three languages)

3. Admission process
 Exam schedule (tentative)
Step 1: Apply online from October 8 to December 5, 2021 at => Occupation => New employee
=> Samsung STP Talent Scholarship 2021
Instructions for applying can be found at:
(*) Review with a mentor: From the time of application submission ~ before the exam (Online)
(*) Pre-exam training: Grade 1 (October 23 & 24), Grade 2 (November 13 & 14), Grade 3 (December 4 & 5) (Online)
Step 2: Basic programming exam: 11/12/2021
Step 3: Interview: December 16, 2021
Step 4: Scholarship Award Ceremony: December 29, 2021
(*) About the programming exam
– Exam content: Algorithms and basic programming skills
– Exam method: Computer programming, automatic marking
– Language of the test: Vietnamese
– Programming language: C/C++/Java (choose 1 of 3 languages)
– Tools (IDE) : Microsoft Visual Studio (C/C++) / Eclipse (Java)

4. Contact
Ms. Dinh Thi Dieu Thao – Human Resources Department
Samsung Vietnam Mobile Phone Research and Development Center (SVMC)
15th floor, PVI building, No. 1 Pham Van Bach, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Email: Phone: +84 888 990 085
Update information and detailed instructions at fanpage: SamsungVietnam RnD (