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Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) has just announced the decision on launching the new field of study – Control and Automation Engineering. With this decision, in this year’s open enrollment season, candidates will choose from 11 majors to get into the Institute.


In recent years, PTIT has lauched a variety of new branches and majors in the field of ICT to meet the needs of society.

With the training code No. 7520216, Control and Automation Engineering is the 11th undergraduate training program of PTIT, together with the 10 majors that have already organised the admission and training in the previous period including: Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering; Electrical and Electronics Engineering; IT; Information Security ; Multimedia Technology; Multimedia Communications; Business Administration; Marketing; Accountant; Ecommerce.

It is further informed by PTIT that  in the first year, a new major of Control and Automation Engineering was organized for the enrollment and training at the Ho Chi Minh’s campus.

With a total of 150 credits of the entire course within 4.5 years, equivalent to 9 semesters, PTIT’s training program of Control and Automation Engineering equips learners with the basic knowledge to fully develop themselves; the political and ethical qualities; the health to meet the requirements of study; the specialized knowledge; the competence in professional pratice and the ability to work independently and creatively to solve problems in their specialized fields.

As same as other technical majors of the Institure, the enrollment objects of the Control and Automation Engineering major are students who have graduated from the high school or equivalent, pass the national entrance exam of the combination of 3 subjects: Math, Physics, Chemistry (Block A) or Mathematics, Physics, English (Block A1); or according to its own admission requirements of PTIT. (if any).

According to the output standards of Control and Automation Engineering announced by the Institute, with the full knowledge, technical skills, soft skills and foreign languages, engineers graduated in this field shall be able to undertake positions in government agencies, businesses, manufacturing plants and organisations in the field of education and scientific research.

Since the beginning of 2020, the Institute has identified the core tasks this year to continue intensively promoting the training programs to meet the society’s demand for human resources in the new era of digital transformation and economy and meet the 4.0 industrial revolution. Regarding the annual admission plan, the Institute is expected to remain the stable number of  enrollment compared to 2019, including increasing the enrollment of High quality classes for 3 majors in IT, Electronics and Telecommunications, and Marketing. .

In recent years, PTIT has opened a variety of new majors and submajors in the field of ICT to meet the needs of society. Most recently, in 2018, the Institute opened the E-commerce major and a new submajor of Marketing major which is Analyzing digital marketing data. Previously, the Multimedia major was lanched and began enrolling the first class in 2016.