Seminar “Boosting research capacities through international cooperation”

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Posts and Telecommunication Institute of Technology hosted the seminar namely “Boosting research capacities through international cooperation” from 25 to 27 August, 2018 in Hochiminh City. This seminar was supportes by Erasmus Plus called “MARCO POLO” project.


At the workshop, PTIT’s lecturers and students improved understanding and gained knowledge through sharing experiences in research cooperation from FHJ University. It is a great opportunity of enhancement the international cooperation activities in research for PTIT’s teachers and students, which support PTIT’aim to become an modern R&D center integrated with the education and science community.


The Marco Polo project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, which includes four partners from Europe and six partners from Asia. European partners are: University of Seville, Spain; Herriot-Watt University, Scotland; FH Joaneum University, Austria and Incoma, Spain. Asian partners include Prince of Songkla University, Naresuan University, Thailand; University of Malaya and University of Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Vietnam has 2 representatives participating in this project, including Hanoi University and Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology. The project lasts for three years from 2016 to 2019, including training and exchange of students and lecturers.